Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Colin is talking! He might claim that he's been talking for weeks but I can hear the words now. The most clear is "baby." He emphatically says "amon" at the end of every family prayer. I picked out "rain" this morning as he played with his Thomas train. His communication is exciting for both of us and he shines big smiles when I repeat the word I suspect he is saying.
Audrey is using the phrase "I have a plan..."

Last night at dinner she complained that the soup had carrots and corn, two vegetables that she normally approves of but apparently found offensive this evening. I told Audrey she needed to eat her dinner if she planned on having ice cream for dessert. She was quiet. Her hand went to her temple and then her chin, her elbow rested on the table.

"I have a plan," she said to no one in particular, "I will eat corn and carrots and then ice cream."

Good plan.