Monday, October 11, 2010

We've had a rough start to our day at my house. Audrey woke up in a mood and has been in time out for much of the morning. When Colin decided to join in the fray and refuse to cooperate with a diaper change I tossed him in his bed and said, "TIME OUT!" Returning a couple minutes later I said angrily, "When mom says, 'It's time to change your diaper,' you MARCH." And to seal the deal before taking him out of his bed I said in a calmer voice, "Now, it's time to change your diaper." And then my obedient little man began marching (seriously, high knees and all) in circles around his crib!

1 comment:

  1. Haha Jill. This is so funny. I'd forgotten that you tell your kids to march. I miss it.
