Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Yesterday while we were out a man asked the kids what their names were. Audrey responded appropriately and after thoughtfully watching his sister Colin smiled and said proudly, "My name Colin!" I think this was the first time anyone has asked him what his name was. A few hours later at the store the kids were looking at small fish in tanks. I noticed Colin was saying something so I stepped closer and heard, "My name Colin," he then turned his head toward another fish and repeated, "My name Colin." He probably introduced himself to six or seven different fish.

During the same run of errands I looked in my rear view mirror at one point and noticed tears streaming down Audrey's cheeks. A bit shocked, since I could recall nothing that would have brought on this emotion, I asked her what was wrong. Audrey sniffled and wiped a few tears before saying, "Everyone keeps thinking I am a little girl."


  1. That is really cute Jill... I can picture it even though I haven't seen him lately. And I think it is the worst when you look at your child (probably a girl) and she is randomly crying. The other day Olivia was crying and I asked her what was wrong. She said, "Nothing, you remember that sometimes people cry when they are happy? I will be happy to see Grandma and Grandpa again."

  2. That is so so cute. Seriously cute!
