Sunday, September 5, 2010

Audrey made a coffee filter basket in nursery today. Inside the basket there is a white fabric ghost with a face drawn on it. I tried for a moment to make connections to scripture stories or other possible nursery lessons. Nothing. So I asked Audrey.

"This is baby Noses," she says.

The story apparently goes like this. Baby Noses was put in the basket and sent down a very fast river. A giant dolphin came and opened it's mouth and swallowed baby Noses and his basket. The end.


  1. That is really funny. It looks like a ghost, but what else could you use for a makeshift person? I really can't think of anything. Maybe I will if I keep thinking about it all day.

  2. Kate and Ian made coffee filter/pipe cleaner baskets today -- just because they were rummaging around in the craft bin, trying to find something to make. Weird. Almost as weird as the "baby Ghost-es" in Audrey's basket. I like Audrey's rendition of the story. Very exciting. =)
